
Using the Add Shift and Profile Tools

Add Shift Feature

The Add Shift feature combines the Fill and Request tools allowing for both capabilities without the need to differentiate between the two functions, thus making this feature more user friendly.

Use the Add Shift feature to Fill a pending change to a published schedule or a Request that is submitted prior to the schedule release. To submit a Fill or Request to the schedule, click the Add Shift button located at the top right corner of the schedule in Viewer:

The Add Shift pop-up window opens. From here you can complete your Fill or Request

In the fields listed, select the Template, Personnel, Assignment, and Date for which you would like to submit. The Shift start and Shift End fields are optional. Click Submit to finalize your selections:


Provider Profiles

The Provider profile tool is located next to the Add Shift button and is an additional tool for organizing all of your Swaps and Requests in a centralized location. To access your profile, click on the user icon to the right of the Add Shift button:

In the pop-up window, you can see the status of all Requests and Swaps for the current or specified month. Click the right or left arrows next to the month and year to view future or prior months. 

  • Blue icon = Pending Approval
  • Green icon = Granted
  • Red icon = Denied

From here you can also:

  • Interact with your Requests and Swaps by clicking on the record you'd like to view. From here you can see when it was submitted, last modified, and edit the submission.
  • Create additional schedule changes to Remove, Fill, or Request future dates. For information on how to submit a Request from the user window, click here
  • Sign out of your account
  • View and make changes to your account Settings 





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