
May 26, 21 - Split Schedule and Managing Integration Mapping


Schedule Manager: Split Tool

This is a new Schedule Manager option that will allow you to split an unpublished schedule into two individual schedules.

  • Workflow:
    • Right-click unpublished schedule in schedule manager
    • Select Split Schedule:


    • In a pop-up modal, edit the name of the original schedule as well as the name of the two new schedules:


      • Select the first day of the new schedule. The first schedule (Schedule A) will then contain slots from the first day of the original schedule to the day before the selected date. The second schedule (Schedule B) will contain dates from the selected date to the last date of the original schedule.

      • To finalize the creation of the two schedules, click Ok.

Managing Integration Mappings in Setup

External integrations that are mapped based on Assignments (e.g. Epic On Call, Spok, Amtelco) can now be managed through the Setup > Assignments page. There is a new button allowing you to manage integrations.


  • Administrators can add, edit, delete mappings to external systems by filling in the necessary parameters for that system.
  • Multiple mappings per assignment are supported.
  • Existing integration mappings will automatically be transferred into Setup to be managed there.

Viewer: Add Shift

  • When Personnel have been selected, the Assignment dropdown will automatically open
  • When Assignments have been selected, the date-picker will automatically open
  • If using a view that is filtered to only one person or assignment, that same person or assignment will be pre-populated when using Add Shift.
  • The Date Picker will now open to the month you are currently viewing, rather than the current month.
  • A new Date Picker that features a month selection in addition to the arrow keys:month_picker.png

Setup: Edit Tally Count

  • The Assignment's Display Name is now included in the Edit Tally Count modal.

Bug Fixes:

Setup: Edit Tally Count

  • Administrators without the modify schedule permission for certain personnel/assignment types will no longer see the Edit Tally Count option when right-clicking those slots.


  • In a list view, if you attempted to add a shift for a personnel not included in the view, the modal will continuously spin upon submission. This has been resolved.
  • Times displayed in the add shift modal incorrectly adjusted to the computer time zone for groups with time zone awareness turned off. This has been resolved
  • When changing dates in Viewer, the Please Wait message would disappear before the schedule finished loading. Now, it remains up until the schedule loads.
  • An issue with the bulk tool unselecting previously selected slots in Viewer has been resolved.
  • A Well, this is Embarrassing error has been resolved when attempting to finalize a swaportunity in Viewer.
  • A Well, this is Embarrassing error has been resolved when using the bulk action replace tool in Viewer.
  • Opening Viewer no longer leads to a blank page.
  • Personnel now show properly in Viewer filters during timeframes that they are active.
  • Assignment reasons now displaying properly when editing assignments. Specifically, when two assignments with the same display name are in the same view.
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