
Feb 3, 21 - Block Requests, Printing, and Navigating Dates


Schedule Manager: Block Requests

You can now select more than one block at a time when making a request if the Block Start Day is set to a day of the week. However, if the Block Start Day is set to any day, then only one block can be selected.

For more information on creating a request using Block Requests, visit:

For more information on setting up an assignment for Block Requests, visit:

Viewer: Printing

You can now use your browser's print screen scaling options to reduce the size of your schedule, allowing you to fit more on one screen.

When selecting the Print icon, Print dates now default to the month or week shown. Previously, days before and after the current month or week were included.

When selecting the Print icon, the option to select landscape or portrait has been removed. The print-out now defaults to portrait. You will now be able to change the print layout to landscape using your browser print screen settings.

When printing, a visual indicator will now display on the screen to indicate that your print is loading.

**Please Note: When a week rolls over to a new page, the date headers no longer show. This was changed to allow for scaling **

For more information on printing a schedule, visit:

Viewer: Navigating Dates 

Previously, when changing months and weeks in Viewer, you would need to select the GO! button in order to process the change. Now, once the new date is selected, you will immediately brought to the new selection.

Previously, when you were accessing past or future dates in Viewer and refreshed the page, you would automatically be brought back to the current month. Now, upon refreshing the page, you will remain at the dates that you were viewing before refreshing the page. 

For more information on navigating dates in Viewer, visit:

Bug Fixes:

Viewer: Printing

  • When printing, sometimes blank pages would be added to the print-out, this has been resolved.
  • An issue where schedule data was missing in the print-out has been resolved.
  • An issue where you would select the dates to print and those did not match the dates in viewer has been resolved.
  • Previously, when filtering down to one provider, printing, and then filtering to another user could cause the print-out to split into multiple pages. This has been resolved.
  • For more information on printing a schedule, visit:

Viewer: CSV Exporting Changes

Safari Web Browser:

  • When using a weekly view in Viewer, the previous week's overnight assignments would display. For example: if your weekly view was Monday - Sunday, the view would show the previous Sunday's overnight assignments. This has been resolved.
  • When in the Me view, previous months were showing incorrect schedule data. This has been resolved.
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