Setup: Assignment Page Load Times
You will now notice that actions you take in the Assignments page under Administration > Setup will have a reduced load time, including actions such as creating a new assignment, adding a recurrence pattern, and cancelling any action taken.
For more information on adding a new assignment, visit: https://support.lightning-bolt.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044019172-Adding-Assignments
For more information on editing an assignment, visit: https://support.lightning-bolt.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044470031-Video-How-to-Edit-Assignments
Bug Fixes:
View Manager: Deep-Clone Assignments & Auto-Add Assignment Views:
If you previously had a view with auto-add assignments toggled on, it would not add new assignments that were created through our deep-clone feature. With this bug fix, deep-cloning an assignment will now add it to views that have auto-add assignments toggled on.
- ** Please Note: This will not add any deep-cloned assignment to a view with auto-add assignments toggled off. **
- For more information on deep-cloning assignments, visit: https://support.lightning-bolt.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044019172-Adding-Assignments
- For more information on setting up a view to auto-add assignments, visit: https://support.lightning-bolt.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044474351-How-do-I-create-a-new-view-