
How do I create a Report?


In the blue toolbar at the top of your screen on the left-hand side click on the "view" dropdown and select reports

Your screen will be split into 2 sections, on the right side you can access any reports you have already created and saved. On the left, you can create a new report. A report is simply a combination of tallies (or counts) and personnel. Reports are a way to collect useful information about assignments worked, vacation days taken, or any other piece of data that is collected in a tally.

Screenshot 2023-11-04 at 2.47.57 PM.png

When creating a new report there are 3 tabs you need to fill out on the top of the page: properties, tallies, and personnel. 

The Properties tab is where you can input the details to create your desired report:

  • Report Start/Stop Date

    Using Variable dates: Enter the report start/stop date, utilizing a list of timeframe presets based on when the report is generated. For example, if the preset is set for start of month, the report will reflect dates starting the first of the month (July 1st if opening any date within July)                                                                          Use Specific dates to designate a specific set of dates, rather than a variable date range.                       
  • Metric

    Designate whether you want your report to include only scheduled assignments, requests, or both/combined. Click the blue text to toggle between the options. Note: The Metric you select will change the options you can include/exclude in your report listed below. If you select Combined, it will look at request data up until you have a published schedule and then it will include Schedule data. It doesn't count both simultaneously for the same date range.
  • Split

    This option allows you to break your report into smaller segments for easier viewing. For example, you may run a report over an entire month but want to split it up to see separate totals for each week. You can switch instantly between segments
  • Count Original

    If your published schedule undergoes many changes or provider swaps, enable this option to check the numbers at the time the schedule was originally published 

  • Include Fictional Tallies

    Fictional Tallies provide the ability to manually add or subtract credits per provider to create what we call “Catch-up Tallies”. These are set up in the Tallies section we previously reviewed, under Equalization, if you do have Fictional Tallies set up for your department, you can select to include those here.
  • Include Admin Published

    If set to "No", tallies will only draw from schedules that are finalized (published to everyone). Selecting "Yes" will also include any schedules published to Admins. 

  • Include granted/pending/denied requests

    If your report includes request data, these settings provide finer control over which statuses of requests should be counted (note: including pending or denied requests will add to the overall totals, not represent a separate category) 

  • Only Show Logged In User

    This will automatically show the selected tallies for only the user opening the report, allowing you to create a "My Call" report for example. This will disable the Personnel tab of report configuration.
  • X-Axis

    Select between Tally, Personnel, and Date for which field you wish to appear as the columns (moving from left to right across the report).
  • Y-Axis

    Select between Tally, Personnel, and Date for which field you wish to appear as the rows (moving from top to bottom down the report). 

  • X Dimension

    Breakdown each column by day of the week without needing to make separate tallies! (Shown below) 
  • Y Dimension

    Breakdown each row by day of the week without needing to make separate tallies!
  • Cell Display                                                                                                                                    Allows you to show the exact Value of what’s being counted, or percentage of Tally or Personnel.
  • Show Totals

    Add a new row and column to show totals for each tally and provider.

The Tallies tab will allow you to select the tallies that you wish to include in your report.



Starting with Department and Template: Select the Department from which you want to select Tallies, and Template if multiple templates exist within your department.

Name: Use this field to filter the System and Administrator Defined tally list to right. 

Type: Select from System defined, User (Administrator) defined, or a combination of both to include all. 

Click the individual Tallies you want to include in your report, or click Pick All to select all Tallies in the list. As you make your selections, they will appear in another list to the right where you can order their appearance on the report by using the single and double arrows.


The Personnel tab will allow you to select the personnel that you’d like to include in the report: 


You will see a list of all the personnel for your department and template. You can use the filters on the right to search through the personnel faster. Tip: The “Group” drop-down: This will give you a list of the personnel groups, and will display any person who belongs to the group you select. Note: if a new provider is added to a personnel group, they will need to be added manually to the report as well. Being a part of group will not automatically include the new provider in the report. 

As you pick personnel, they will appear on the right. You can choose the order that you’d like them to appear on the report by using the up and down arrows. 


To view the report with the details you just selected, press GO! at the top of the page. 

  1. In the generated report, you can edit the date range of your report by clicking the date header and making the necessary edits. 
  2. You can also click back into your report settings to make changes to the layout, personnel and tallies by clicking the report title - in this case, it states “Unsaved Report” 
  3. To save your report, click back into the settings and under the Saved Reports section, click Save
  4. In the pop-up window, name your report, select who should have access to the report (Select Admins), and then click Submit. Note: Reports access is dependent on user permissions. 
  5. Once the report is saved, it will automatically generate and open for viewing.
























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