
How do I navigate around View Manager?

View Manager contains three main pages: Manage Views, Create New View, and Personnel.


You’ll use the Manage Views and Create New View section to access previously created views and create new ones. Manage Views is the home page when you first enter View Manager.


Hovering over the row of a view will highlight the options to Edit, Copy, Delete or Edit View Access of a specific view. Editing View Access is also where you can generate a Public URL link for a specific view.

You can narrow down your search of views by using the Select Templates dropdown on the left or the Search bar to the right. You can also sort views by clicking the column headers of View Name or Last Modified Date.



To create a new view, click on the Create New View button next to Views.


The subsequent pages will walk you through the 4 steps of creating a new view: Basic Properties, Personnel, Assignments and Tallies, and Finalize. Navigation of Back, Next, Finish Saving, and Exit are in the bottom right.


See our help article labeled How do I create a new view? for detailed instructions.



Use the Personnel button in the top right corner to navigate to a page where you can edit an individual's view membership and view access. View Membership is whether the personnel should be included in the view and View Access is whether the personnel should have access to the view.


You can narrow down your search for a personnel by using the Select Departments dropdown or by clicking the magnifying glass to extend the Search bar. You can also sort personnel by clicking the column headers of Personnel or Display NameHover over the row of the individual you would like to edit the view access of.


See our help article labeled How do I manage or edit view access? for detailed instructions.

To navigate between these two main sections, use Personnel and Manage Views button in the top right of the screen.

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