
Modifying the Schedule - Fills, Requests, and Removals

This article reviews how to add Fills and Requests, remove providers from the schedule, and modify shift details.

IMPORTANT: In Lightning Bolt, a Fill is a shift added to a published schedule (viewable by end users instantly) and a Request is a shift added to a date beyond the last published schedule. When a schedule is generated for dates that include approved requests, the approved requests will auto-populate onto the schedule.


Fill a slot

As an administrator, you may need to make changes to your schedule after it is published out to your whole group.

Once in Viewer, you will be able to access the fill option by clicking on the orange edit button, shown below, located at the bottom right corner of the browser. The grey toolbar, also shown below, will then appear at the bottom of the screen.


Next, click on the Create Fill option. The pop-up window shown below will open.


In the pop-up window that appears, choose the date, personnel, and assignment you would like to fill in.
NOTE: Multiple dates, personnel and/or assignments can be filled in at once.

In the example below, I have chosen to fill Dr.H and Dr.I in the assignment 'Backup' on 06/02/18 and 06/03/18.

When you click on the Date option, the window below will open up. This is where you will select one/multiple dates that you would like to fill. After having selected the desired dates, click on the green checkbox on the bottom to go back to the previous window. Click on a highlighted date if you wish to deselect that date.


When you click on the Personnel option, the window below will open up. This is where you will select one/multiple personnel that you would like to fill for the date selected in the previous step. After having selected the desired personnel, click on the checkbox on the top right corner to go back to the previous window. Click on a highlighted personnel if you wish to deselect that personnel.


When you click on the Assignments option, the window below will open up. This is where you will select one/multiple assignments that you would like to fill for the date(s) and personnel selected in the previous steps. After having selected the desired assignment(s), click on the checkbox on the top right corner to go back to the previous window. Click on a highlighted personnel if you wish to deselect that personnel.


Once you are done, the fill window will give you a preview of all the slots that will be filled. The fill window for our example is shown below.


Confirm the dates, personnel, and assignments listed in the preview section.
If your permissions allow you to do so, you can add a note, change the default shift time, add a shift reason, or even add an extra slot to the shift (by using the Add Demand checkbox).
Finally, confirm your choices by hitting the green Submit button.

The schedule will then update to reflect your changes.

This can also be done using the "Add Shift" option to use to fill in providers for assignments. This button will be located in the top left corner next to the download and print options. It will appear as below.


Once, the button is chosen, the option to fill in the template, provider, assignment, and days that the fill occurs appear. That screen will display as below:


From here, the personnel and assignments can be selected via the drop-down menus. In order to select multiple assignments or personnel for one submission, you will need to select the Select Many option at the bottom of the drop-down. Once a selection has been made, the next drop-down menu will automatically open.

After the provider and assignment have been chosen, there will be the option to choose the day or days that the instance occurs. You can select multiple days for your submission by clicking on each individual day, or by using Shift + Click to select all days from your current selection to the next. For example, select March 1st and Shift + Clicking March 15th will select all days between the 1st and the 15th. This is displayed below:


Once the dates are chosen there is the option to update times if not taking the full shift timeframe. There is also an option to add a note under the shift start/end times. Both you can see in the image above.

The schedule will then update to reflect your changes.

Please note: If your schedule allows requests on published schedules, the Add Shift button will submit all additions as requests. 


Remove a Provider/Assignment

As an administrator, you may need to make changes to your schedule after it is published out to your whole group.

Once in Viewer, you will be able to access the remove option by clicking on the orange edit button, shown below, located at the bottom right corner of the browser. The grey toolbar, also shown below, will then appear at the bottom of the screen.


Next, you will select any assignments you would like to remove by click that slot on the schedule. This will highlight those cells in black as shown below.


Doing this will unlock the remove option in the toolbar.
Click on the Remove option. The pop-up window shown below will open.


Confirm the dates, personnel, and assignments listed in the remove window.
Finally, hit the green Submit button and the schedule will then update to reflect your changes.





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