
How do I grant or deny a request?

To grant or deny requests you will need to be in Viewer.

Depending on your organization’s setup, requests may need to be granted or denied before a schedule is generated. The status of a request is visualized by the color icon located in the upper right hand corner of the assignment slot. A green check indicates a “Granted” request, a red X indicates a “Denied” request, and a blue ? indicates a “Pending” request which will need to be “Granted’ or “Denied. You can see the status of the request by hovering over the request with the cursor. There are two options for completing this task. The first option can only respond to one request, but the second allows you to respond to multiple requests at once. (Details on how to turn on/off request icons found at bottom of page.)


To change the status of a single request you will click on the slot/request you would like to update and the Request Panel pop up window will appear. From this window, you will be able to edit the status of requests by clicking the Edit button.


Upon clicking the edit button of a pending request, you will be able to “Delete”, “Grant”, or “Deny” the request.


To change the status of one or multiple requests simultaneously you need to select the edit button in the bottom right hand corner of your screen, the orange circle with a white pencil.


Once selected the edit menu will appear along the bottom of the screen.


Now you can select the cell or cells you wish to grant or deny. You will be able to tell they are selected because they will be shaded and your edit count will increase.


Once you have selected all cells you wish you edit to granted or denied you will notice new options are highlighted in the edit bar.


Once you select grant or deny a Request Panel pop up window will appear. You can add notes and submit the new status of the request. Note how the Grant Request Panel has two shifts that will be granted and are shown in the preview section in the panel.


The new status of the request will be visualized in the assignment slot and notes can be seen by selecting the slot with the edit bar not open. You are able to return the status of the request to pending by following the above steps and selecting “Suspend Request.”


How Do I Ad-Hoc Filter Request Icons?

In Viewer, admins can toggle on or off showing request icons by clicking the gear icon at the top of the page next to the current schedule view name. Once you select the gear icon, you will notice a check bit for "Show Request Icons." If selected, request icons will continue to be shown.






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