Assignments are work shifts, tasks, rotations or activities that need to be covered. You can access the assignments section by going to Administration>Setup then clicking the Assignments tab.
Calendar View:
Calendar View is used as a calendar visual to see when assignments occur. This view is also the view that needs to be used when adding new assignments or updating the recurrence patterns of current assignments.
- +Add Assignment: Allows a new assignment to be added.
- Calendar Navigation: Used to navigate between weeks or months.
- View Option: Allows one to switch between a weekly view and a monthly view.
- Assignment Summary: Lists all assignments.
- From this list, individual settings on an assignment can be viewed. To view these settings, check the assignment you want to view and then select Edit.
- Assignment Calendar: This is the calendar representation of what you are scheduling.
- The assignments will only be displayed on days that they exist.
- The numbers in the parenthesis next them represent the min and max that need to be scheduled. Note: If there are no parenthesis next to an assignment, the assignment requires exactly one personnel to be scheduled.
List View:
List View presents the assignments in a table format. It can be accessed by clicking the Go to List View button in the top right corner. From this view, you can see the start and end dates of an assignment, Assignment Type, Location, personnel eligible to work that assignment, and the assignment groups the assignment belongs to. These fields can be filtered and sorted if looking for specific assignments. Assignments can also be deleted from List View.
Note: An assignment cannot be deleted if it has previously been scheduled.
- Take Action: This drop-down allows you to:
- Add personnel into assignments
- Remove personnel from assignments
- Add assignments into assignment groups
- Remove assignments from assignment groups
- Filters: Can be used to help filter specific areas in the list view.
- Delete: Allows assignments to be deleted if they have not been previously scheduled