
How do I view / modify slot details?

Viewer allows you to see more than just provider and assignment names on your schedule. On any given day, you can view slot details for each of the individual assignments / personnel on the schedule.

Depending on how you have set up the personnel and the assignments, slot details will display a provider’s phone / pager numbers, email address, along with the start and stop times of an assignment. You may also have the option to view a slot’s history (i.e. a log of all changes made to a given assignment on that day) or add a note to the slot.

To view basic slot details, just use your mouse and hover over a particular assignment / provider on your schedule:


In the example above, you will then see a pop-up for the slot with the date, assignment name, and time. If you have a Note already attached to your shift, it will also show up in the pop-up (shown below):


To see the full slot details, left-click on any assignment / provider on your schedule. You should then see a pop-up that looks like this:


You’ll be able to view the assignment details where you can see the date and time for that assignment, followed by the provider details where you can view pager and cell numbers, as well as the provider’s email address. You can also view the slot history in the History tab, which will show you a timestamped log of changes made to the assignment.

If you have the appropriate permissions set up, you can also add a note to the slot. To do this, click the Edit button, and then Modify Details.

You can also do modify details by selecting the orange button mceclip0.png In the bottom right corner, selecting a slot, and choosing the Modify option that is available in the smart tool bar.

Tip: Clicking the Edit button also allows you to take the same remove / replace actions that we previously discussed.


In the pop-up that appears (shown below), you can take the following actions:

  • Change the start and stop time of the assignment
  • Attach a note to the slot
  • Set Custom Display (this changes the provider name for that slot only)
  • Edit the shift reason (by default, shift reasons will not be available: please ask your consultant if you’d like to learn how to set these up).


When you’ve finished making your changes, click Submit to save them.

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