
Making Tally Change in Bulk

Certain elements of multiple tallies can be edited in bulk. These elements mostly deal with equalization and include equalization start date, future request stop date, FTE%, and catch-up tally.

To edit tallies in bulk, first navigate to Administration>Setup and click on the Tallies tab. Then check the box next to each tally that needs to be edited. 


From there, select the Take action drop-down menu and select the desired action.


Details of each action can be seen below:

  • Modify Equalization Start Date: Allows editing of the date from which selected tallies will be equalized from.
  • Modify Future Request Stop Date: Allows a stop date for future requests to be set for all selected tallies.
  • Modify FTE% for Personnel: Displays a new window that shows each personnel included in the selected tallies. FTE percentages can be changed in this window for each personnel.
  • Modify Catch-Up Tally for Personnel: Displays a new window that shows each personnel included in the selected tallies. Catch-Up Tally totals can be changed in this window for each personnel.




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