
Overview of Assignment Compatibility

Assignment compatibility is a feature used to help the Lightning Bolt system understand which assignments can or cannot be scheduled together.  This is a critical component to the schedule that impacts the overall effectiveness of the schedule's auto-generation. If two assignments can be worked on the same day by the same provider, they should be set up as Compatible. If two assignments should never be scheduled together on the same day by the same provider, they should be set up as Not Compatible.

Setting up Assignment Compatibility:

To set up Assignment Compatibility, first navigate to Administration>Setup and click on the Assignment Compatibility tab. Then, select the assignment that needs compatibility established by using the drop-down menu in the top left of the screen.

A list will then be displayed that shows all other assignments. By default, all assignments are set up to be Not Compatible with each other.

To change the compatibility for a single assignment, click on the text under the Setting column and select one of the three options (Compatible, Not Compatible, or Compatible Without Overlap). To change the compatibility for multiple assignments, select the checkboxes to the left of each assignment and use the Bulk Action drop-down to either make all selected assignment Compatible or Not Compatible.

Below is a detailed explanation of what each setting means for the assignments in the schedule:

  • Compatible: allows assignments to be scheduled together on the same day by the same provider
  • Not Compatible: does not allow assignments to be scheduled together on the same day for the same provider
  • Compatible Without Overlap: allows assignments to be scheduled together on the same day by the same provider as long as the assignment times do not overlap.  The auto-scheduler can adjust times as necessary if the "Assignment times can be modified while autoscheduling" checkbox is checked in Advanced Options on the Assignment page. 
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