
Adding Assignments

First, navigate to Administration>Setup and click on the Assignments tab. From the calendar view, click +Add Assignment and enter in the name of your new assignment. Then, click Add Details.


Next, click Add Pattern under the Recurrence Patterns section to define the days that the assignment exists on as well as the personnel needed for each day. The start and end date of the assignment will be set here as well.


Recurrence patterns can be set as the following categories:

  • Daily: Occurs everyday unless specified otherwise according to daily recurring pattern options.
  • Weekly: Occurs only on specified days of the week. Can be set to recur weekly or every X number of weeks based on the weekly recurring pattern options.
  • Monthly: Occurs only on specified days of the month. Can be set to recur monthly or every X number of months based on the monthly recurring pattern options.
  • Yearly: Occurs only on specified days of the year.
  • Specific dates: Occurs only on specified dates.

Assignment recurrence patterns also need to be set to include holidays, exclude holidays, or occur only on specified holidays relative to the recurrence pattern.

Note: Multiple recurrence patterns can be added to the same assignment. The most recent recurrence pattern will be at the bottom of the list.

Note: The recurrence pattern and holidays interact with each other. For example, if the recurrence pattern is set to Daily: Every weekend and Restrict to holidays ONLY, the assignment will only exist on selected holidays that occur on weekends.

Once the recurrence pattern has been set, click Submit. The assignment’s recurrence pattern will now appear on the calendar. When finished editing the assignment, click Save

Next, click Show advanced options. This is where the assignment will be set to either be automatically scheduled or manually scheduled as well where the Start and Stop time will be determined. 

Additionally, under Advanced Options, you may set that an assignment is to be requested or filled in blocks, where if you request/fill one day, then you must also request/fill additional days. To do this:

     1. Check the box next to This Assignment should be submitted in blocks

     2. Update the block start day. This can be set to any day, or a specific day of the week

     3. Update the block length. This is a day value between 1 and 7

Note: Assignment times can be modified when auto-scheduling is used in combination with the Compatible Without Overlap setting in the Assignment compatible page.

The clone feature can be used to create another assignment with similar properties. Clone will only copy the recurrence pattern and assignment details to the new assignment. Deep Clone will copy the above as well as the corresponding views, assignment compatibility, eligible personnel, assignment groups, and tallies.


Additional Feature: Managing Integration Mappings

External integrations that are mapped based on Assignments (e.g. Epic On Call, Spok, Amtelco) can be managed thru the Setup/Assignments page. There is a new button allowing you to manage integrations:


Administrators can add, edit, delete mappings to external systems by filling in the necessary parameters for that system.

Multiple mappings per assignment are supported.

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