
Expiring / Deleting Personnel

Expiring vs. Deleting:

Instead of deleting personnel, we recommend setting a last active date to expire them (make them inactive). Once expired, the provider will no longer appear on your personnel list or show as an option for replacing or making swaps on the schedule. If providers are expired, you will still be able to see them on past schedules and reports, up until their last active dates. 

Deleting personnel should only be done when a user profile has been created erroneously. This ensures that any historical scheduled data is maintained for reporting purposes.

Expiring Personnel:

A common reason to expire providers is if they have retired or left the group. If a provider has schedule data that cannot be deleted, you can expire the provider instead. A common reason to expire providers is if they have retired or left the group. If providers are expired, you will still be able to see them on past schedules and reports, up until their last active dates. Follow these steps to expire a provider:

  1. Navigate to Administration>Setup and click on the Personnel tab.
  2. Click on the name of the provider that needs to be expired.
  3. Under the Personnel Information section, locate Last Active Date.
  4. Uncheck the n/a box and click on the date field.
  5. In the pop-up window, enter the last date that the provider will be listed on the schedule. Keep in mind that the provider cannot have any requests or be listed on any schedules past this date*.
  6. Click Save Changes.

*NOTE: You will be unable to expire personnel that have any scheduled date beyond the last active date that you would like to set. In this case, please reach out to your consultant to assist with removing the excess data.

Deleting Personnel:

A provider must be deleted from ALL past, present, and future schedules and requests, as well as removed from all scheduling rules, in order to be deleted from the Personnel section. Once all of this data is deleted, use the following steps to delete this provider:

First, navigate to Administration>Setup and click on the Personnel tab. To delete the provider, click on the red X that is under the Delete column.


Note: If the X is grey, hover over it to see the reason the provider cannot be deleted. Possible reasons include the provider still appearing on the schedule/request page or being included in a scheduling rule.

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