
Splitting a Shift on the Schedule

Splitting a Shift

To split a shift on the schedule, follow these steps:

  1. From the Dashboard, navigate to Viewer by clicking the VIEW dropdown in the top lefthand corner, then click SCHEDULE/REQUESTS.
  2. Left or right-click a shift on the schedule.
  3. Click the Split Shift icon.
  4. Select the number of shifts into which you want to split your shift.
    • 2 Shifts - When someone is taking on the beginning or the end of your shift
    • 3 Shifts - When someone is taking on the middle portion of your shift
  5. Adjust the Start/Stop times of the splits of the shift.
    • Either manually adjust the time or slide the red time buttons.
  6. Select the personnel for whom you want to split the shift.
    • Set the swap time period and select a name from the list of eligible providers:
  7. Click SUBMIT.
    • This swap will now show up in the schedule as PENDING, awaiting approval from the person receiving the shift OR the scheduling administrator

Approving the Swap

  1. Identify the pending change on the schedule and left or right-click on the shift.
  2. Click GRANT SWAP from the options presented, then click SUBMIT.


Check out this article to split shifts in the mobile application.

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