
Feb 24, 23 - AnesthesiaGo


Added sFTP Import

A new sFTP Connection setting menu has been added for System Administrators only. Each name pattern added must correspond to a unique Import Template.

When an sFTP connection and Name Pattern is added, an “Import From Server” option is generated on the case entry page under the "Import" tab.  The user can select the file(s) to be used for case importing.  Messages will be displayed based on the results.  If successful, an excel file of the cases will be downloaded with any warnings/errors for the cases.

sFTP Import will automatically check if file exists on server

When the “Import From Server” button is clicked, the app will initially check that the daily file(s) are found and ready for import.  Messages will be displayed based on the results.

Delete Cases on Re-Import

Added a new option under Settings called “Delete Cases On Import”. The selected option will change the default option when re-importing cases via either file upload or server download.  The application will now use the Import Template to identify which cases came from a specific import if  “Delete Cases On Import” is set to “Yes”. If set to “No”, the previous cases imported will only be updated if a matching case ID can be found.

Note: If any medical groups currently use multiple files for importing cases we will need to create a template for each additional file.

Allow Multiple Providers to Position Assignments

An option has been added on "Position Assignment Shift Settings" called “Allow Multiple Providers”.  When a Position Assignment has this option selected, multiple people may be selected to that Assignment on the Positions page.  This is targeted towards groups that have a daily variable number of employees working a specific Position Assignment.  Scheduling order is determined by selection order.

When using an integration, if a single assignment has multiple employees the “Allow Multiple Providers” setting must match in AnesthesiaGo otherwise it will be flagged as an error.

Pool Workers on Integration

A new Integration mapping tab named “Pool Mappings” has been added for Integrations where employees are scheduled to work but have not been given an assignment for the scheduled day.  On the Positions page and using an Integration Schedule, workers scheduled for the specified day will be marked with a green dot next to their name to show they have been scheduled but not assigned to a specific order or position assignment yet.

Bug Fixes:

Production Bug Fixes:

  1. User no longer causes an error by clicking Import too quickly on Schedule page

  2. PACU Warnings are no longer shown on unassigned cases

  3. In Viewer, Inactive Providers are now hidden from being shown as available for shifts

  4. Report search description input no longer shrinks on lower resolution monitors

  5. Import FTP local vs server timezone handling

Development Bug Fixes:

Fixed name of Schedule Day Import Table

Technical Upgrades:

Back-End: Sentry Implementation

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